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Benefits to Contributors
Edward Croft avatar
Written by Edward Croft
Updated over a week ago

Stockopedia’s broad distribution and readership offers an major opportunity for bloggers and investment writers have their articles find a very wide audience...

Content Syndication

When creating a new article on the site, you can tick the option stating 'Submit as an Article to the Editors for Syndication'. Our editorial staff will review the content to see that it's consistent with our Article Publishing Guidelines, categorise it and promote it to 'article' status. Alternatively, if you are a professional financial publisher and would like to deliver your content to us via XML or RSS, contact our team via the Support Messenger on the site and we’ll help take the burden off your hands.

Once published on Stockopedia, the article will be featured on the front page and syndicated far more broadly to our distribution partners and social media network. Prestigious sites syndicating our content include Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance and Google News. Our 14,000 Twitter followers will also be notified that your article has been published. As your readership expands and you'll have the chance to grow a following interested in being notified of your future publications.

Other Benefits to Contributors

Amongst our top contributors are professional research companies, brokers, educators and many extremely proactive private investors. There are many reasons why they contribute to Stockopedia:

  • Increased Profile and Exposure - As a Stockopedia Contributor, you will be exposed to a wide readership of top professional and private investors. The increased exposure provides many opportunities to enhance your reputation amongst the investment community or to publicise your company, newsletter or publications amongst a targeted audience.

  • Increased Web Presence - Once your contributions are published as 'articles' then we syndicate the content to our web partners including Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, Google News and more. This increases the discoverability of your content around the web creating greater readership. Why invest so much time publishing your posts, articles or research on firewalled websites when they aren't getting the audience they deserve?

  • Increased Media & Company Access - We aim to bring the top financial minds amongst our userbase closer to the mainstream financial media providing opportunities for interviews and commentary.

  • Press Credentials - Some of our regularly published authors can qualify as financial press through Stockopedia. We can aid in access to conferences and media events.

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